Our Process

 In evaluating funding claims, we undertake an assessment process that takes into account the following four key elements.

Legal Merit of the Claim

What are the legal merits of the claim? Merit means not only a strong case on liability but a clear, comprehensible basis for the value of the claim.

Commercial Merit of the Claim

Does the defendant have the ability to satisfy the claim? What is the net asset position of the defendant?

Experienced Legal Team

Is the lawyer running the claim someone with demonstrable insolvency litigation experience?

Likely Costs

How much will the claim cost to run? This includes all Liquidator / Trustee, legal and experts’ costs and estimated adverse costs through to trial.

In many instances, where the sheer volume of relevant documents and records so mandates, we inspect these in the offices of the referring party. When assessing claims we operate in a collaborative fashion working closely with you, and the lawyers, with a view to arriving at a firm decision as soon as possible.

Our evaluation process is streamlined and efficient with formal offers of funding typically taking a few days, rather than weeks or months.

Let’s meet to discuss what we do and how we do it, so that we can show you how to maximize returns in unfunded matters.

Our Address

Level 2 370 St Kilda Road
Melbourne Vic. 3004

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03 9670 3259


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